Monday, April 13, 2009

Cocoa Beach goes off.

Amazing weekend. So happy with how many people showed up to the Surfside playhouse in Cocoa Beach Friday night. People were taking the furniture out of the lobby and lining the aisles with chairs, couches and whatever else they could get their hands on. Pretty neat. Thanks to cool Keith for the photos- and a special thanks to everyone that came out!


Anonymous said...

We want to premier it on the Gulf side.
Let me know if that interests you.

Justin said...

What about the other West Coast? The one with waves. We want to see it too!

shutter bug said...

WTF??? no california premier??? La paloma, encinitas!!!! do it!

mike said...

Hey is the showing in Sarasota at Daquiri Deck All Ages?! Sarasota has a whack ordinance where you must be twenty one to be in any liquor licensed establishment...

Dua said...

Good reading yourr post